The Odissi dance has all the color and flavor of its original cradle, the Orissa.

This dance is rooted in the ground, thus drawing the energy of mother earth, compared to Western classical dance that rises from the earth.

In the Odissi dance, have made ample use of the head, eyes, neck, torso, hands and feet as described in the Natyashastra, the ancient text on the science of music, dance and theater.

Tribhangi, the triple flexion, is the first characteristic of the Odissi dance. It is the sensual curve of the body that emerges as the letter S. While the bust undulates and bends gracefully on one side and the other, the feet hammer accurately the rhythms of the Mardala.

The Odissi is a perfect marriage of duality man and woman. LASYA, the feminine grace represented by the Tribhangi, an asymmetrical posture of triple flexions and TANDAVA the male vigor represented by the CHOUKA a square and balanced posture symbolizing the god Jaganath. The beauty and charm of fluid movements are very important in Odissi dance.

The repertoire, rich and varied, exposes the two aspects, Nritta, pure dance and Nritya, the dance of expression. These two aspects are represented during the show.

– Mangalacharan, invocation dance to Ganesh, Shiva or Saraswati.
– Batu Nritta, a piece that describes the basic postures of the Odissi
– Abhinaya, the dance that expresses emotions and feelings.
– Pallavi, an ornamental piece with sculptural postures.
– Moksha, the liberation dance.
– Mangalam, the prayer of well being.

The orchestra of Odissi is composed of a percussionist in mardala, a singer accompanied by the harmonium, the master who sings the rhythmic syllables guided by cymbals or manjeera, also the flutist bansuri, the violinist and the sitarist.